2018 bay roan mare, Meteles Cat x Special Travalena by Travalena
Sells in foal, last bred April 5, 2024 to Saddling At Sunrise
6-Panel N/N
Height: 14.2-14.3
What a big, strong, pretty mare by 2 million dollar sire, METELES CAT. Her dam, Special Travalena won $82,000 herself and has produced Travalen Cat (Metallic Cat), third in the Southern Cutting Futurity under Austin Shepard. This mare was in training and showing great promise when she suffered a suspensory injury. Being too far behind, we made the decision to breed her. She sells in foal to 2024 World’s Greatest Horseman Reserve Champion SADDLING AT SUNRISE, earner of $188,817.
Resulting foal is eligible for NRCHA Stallion Stakes, Ruby Buckle, Riata Buckle and Chrome Cash. This mare appears very sound in pasture and would likely be sound to ride but we are selling her as a broodmare.
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